Sunday 7 September 2008

Three Signs

おねがい 使用済みのトレー・容器は各お店にお戻しください。
おねがい しようすみのトレー・ようきはかくおみせにおもどしください。
Please return trays and dishes (containers?) that you are done using to their respective shops.

If you leave your seat (table), please take your valuables with you.

髪の毛を切らないで!! ほかのお客様のご迷惑になります。
かみのけをきらないで!! ほかのおきゃくさまのごめいわくになります
Don't cut your hair!! It will be a bother to the other customers. (This is a rather odd sign I saw in a convenience store bathroom.)

Thanks go to Johnzep for kindly acquiring and typing up these signs.


Anonymous said...

>>Don't cut your hair!! It will be a bother to the other customers. (This is a rather odd sign I saw in a convenience store bathroom.)

Probably aimed at high school girls prepping for the transition from school to play. Or maybe homeless.

Seth said...

Doesn't the first one need a など after 貴重品? :D

phauna said...

I just type them as I see them, buddy.

Seth said...

I went over these with my Japanese friend and she said 等, the character after 貴重品, could either be read など or とう. Just in case you wanna throw that in there.

Thanks for all the signs! Hopefully this will really help when I'm stumbling around Japan next winter.